1 body mass is more important than explain in words
1 . Body mass and explain in words
Education in ancient China, there is a basic principle: Example is better than precept . Here the so-called education , mainly refers to teaching people how to do a real person. Lewis (CS Lewis) wrote: old education is a heritage : to teach people the truth in life to another person; modern education is merely a propaganda .
Here, we see the Western Education in the Ancient one thing in common : that is to help students become a real person , as the core of education and the highest goal. In the process of achieving this goal , the teacher 's own example , his character , personality, and even manners are very important . That is what he is really the person on the best note .
Education thought of people from the faith , think of the gospel "preaching " the word . "Biography" in addition to " explain in words "(including "T Biography " ) , but also must have a "body mass ": the life of the Road, shown , with my Christian life to manifest the life of our Lord Jesus Christ . Preach the gospel to the people , especially to those familiar with their own people the gospel , the "body mass " more often than " persuasion " is more important. If a hard mass of Christians , is not the exercise of his , that he was preaching , who would dare to believe it?
body mass is more important than explain in words , this is the basic principle of the gospel .
2 . We Chinese
" listen to his words and deeds , "which is a Chinese saying goes , who is also the view of ordinary people a way to make friends . Focus on practice , especially practice in life , it is the Chinese people 's national identity. No matter how you put it clearly and logically , Chinese people focus or how the person you like : a good or bad ?
Lin Yutang once observed : "In fact, China has never been a result of Christian doctrine and the Chinese people believe in religion, because a Christian and had close personal contact , while the Christian is to abide by Christ to love one another The lessons . " cast aside the extreme terms of individual forests , such as "never " , in general , his observation is very pertinent . He added: " see a practice of Christ 's mercy , and the concern of every individual Christian, the Christian will often lead me to close a bit . there is no doctrine of unilateral , can be as effective as it unilaterally . " (Note 1 )
on the Mainland Chinese must not forget that people from the mainland for the big, or false , empty , already had enough . They are eager to personally experienced is real love . The reason why some of my friends on the Christian Gospel is offensive , perhaps because he thought he knew that some Christians not very good , not as good as him .
3 . Act worthy of the Lord
What is the body mass ? Body mass is through their own how to live, how to treat people to pass , that is, their whole life to pass , with their own virtue , character and spirituality to pass . In the final analysis it is only two words : the Incarnation .
I am a what kind of person , I will convey to people what kind of information . Only when my life to share the divinity of God , I can show the world that I believe God , the God of what kind of ; I shared how much , how much can be spread .
Paul , " Colossians , " said: "Let you in on all spiritual wisdom and understanding , filled with the knowledge of God , that ye walk worthy of the Lord and delight in all the good work , and increasing the The knowledge of God . " ( "West" 1:9-10 )
" walk worthy of the Lord , " the eight Chinese characters , is the best overview of body mass .
body mass through the character to speak . Christian character , is the Holy Spirit in the Christian life to bear good fruit , its characteristics such as humility , love, joy , peace, patience , kindness, goodness , faithfulness, gentleness , temperance , etc. , a Christian If the character of these features , people can in his life , to see that living the Gospel , that Jesus himself .
body mass propagation in daily life .
body mass of the most basic site is in marriage , family and relatives get along in life . When we together with their families , if we let people see we love each other and see the peace, joy and satisfaction , and we let them see the gospel .
basic place to another at work . Within hours , how I work , how to get along with colleagues as well as upper and lower levels , are preaching a certain message. The question is what kind of information from the message of Jesus , or from any other local information .
the cultural life of body mass is a basic site : honor God , this is the goal. When the spirit of Christ to participate in social life, cultural life , we preach Jesus Christ is the .
Teresa has a very beautiful words to explain what is body mass :
you have to let others see Jesus in you ,
let them see how you pray and pray ,
let them see you how to live a holy life,
let them see how you get along with their families ,
let others see your family have peace .
When people see what you do afterwards , you can face them,
then said: " This is the road . "
you from life and experience, preach the message of Christ . (Note 2 )
"This is the road."